Rome, May 12th – 13th. Follow us again on streaming at 4 p.m.

The revolt of a generation

Euro-mediterranean happening on Education, Welfare and New political practices

9 / 5 / 2011

In the last two years we have participated and assisted with extraordinary movements that have fought for a quality education, for labor rights and new welfare against the austerity politics of the European Union. The wild demonstrations, pickets lines and strikes, the university occupations and the turmoil of the Mediterranean signal a generational revolt and the necessity of a new social pact that involves all those subjects that stand up for their rights and refuse to be blackmailed. The huge strikes last autumn in France showed us the possibility of creating an intergenerational alliance, as blockades of production and circulation of goods constitute different aspects of a common struggle. In Rome, as in London, the Book Block was a collective political practice able to speak out about the dismantling of public universities and processes of deskilling.

At the same time, the revolts of Maghreb- Mashrek demonstrate how the construction of a future is tightly bound to both the radical claim for democracy and with the necessity of freedom from the parasitic and corrupt power that commands over our lives, universities, schools and workplaces. The recent revolts and movements have crossed national and European borders as well as the limits imposed on education and mobility by Bologna Process to clash with the failure of a strategy we have always opposed.
The struggles of these months have indicated that the possibility of radical change can only become concrete through the alliance among the different actors of labor and education, through common and transnational practices guided by those whom put their own bodies and knowledge. We hope to give a common meaning to this new space redefined by the conflicts in which the crises opens new possibilities to create an "other" future. It is for this reason that we want to initiate an open debate about the common projects we want to build together, starting in Rome on 12 and 13th May 2011.


[ Thursday 12th May ]
6 p.m. – Department of Philosophy, Villa Mirafiori

Opening workshop – with:
Mouhamed Ali Oueled Itaief
Student of the “École des beaux-arts” in Tunis
Youad Ben Rejeb
Université Femministe
Trifi Bassem
Forum des jeunes pour la citoyenneté et la créativité (FJCC) Mondher Abidi Union Diplomées Chomeurs
Wissem Sghaier
UGET Union General Etudiant Tunisi
Uncut UK
Maham Hashni
Mark Bergfeld
Education Activist Network
Rita Maestre Fernandez
Juventud sin futuro
Annalisa Cannito
Tatiana Kai- Browne
Plattform Geschichtspolitik

7 p.m.
Aperitive – Global video session #1
Contributions from education revolt – Book Bloc videos and photos

[ Friday 13th May ]
10 a.m. – Department of Political Science, University “La Sapienza”
Conflictual knowledge: from Europe to Mediterranean area

3 p.m. – Department of Literature, University “La Sapienza”
Education, Welfare and Precariousness

5 p.m. - Department of Literature, University “La Sapienza”
Labour, income and democracy against the crisis
With Fiom’ general secretary Maurizio Landini and members of tunisian General Union UGTT.

8 p.m. - ESC (via dei Volsci, 159)

Global video session #2

Contributions and interviews from Maghreb – Mashrek’ revolts

follow live-streaming on:

--[Italian version]--

La rivolta di una generazione.
Happening Euro-Mediterraneo su Formazione, Welfare e Nuove Pratiche Politiche
Negli ultimi due anni abbiamo partecipato e assistito a straordinari movimenti che si sono battuti per un'educazione di qualità, per i diritti sul lavoro e un nuovo welfare contro le politiche di austerità imposte dall’Unione Europea. Le manifestazioni selvagge, i picchetti e gli scioperi, le occupazioni delle università e i tumulti del Mediterraneo ci parlano di una rivolta generazionale e della necessità di un nuovo patto sociale che coinvolga tutti quei soggetti che difendono i loro diritti e respingono il ricatto. I grandi scioperi dello scorso autunno in Francia ci hanno mostrato come sia possibile dare corpo ad un'alleanza intergenerazionale, dove il blocco della produzione e della circolazione costituiscano le differenti pratiche di una lotta comune.

A Roma come a Londra, il Book Bloc è stata una pratica politica collettiva capace di parlare della dismissione dell’università pubblica e dei processi di dequalificazione. Al contempo, le rivolte dal Maghreb - Mashrek dimostrano come la costruzione di un futuro sia legata a doppio filo con la radicale richiesta di democrazia, con la necessità di liberarsi di quel potere parassitario e corrotto che comanda sulle nostre vite, nelle università, nelle scuole e sul lavoro.
Le rivolte e i movimenti recenti hanno travalicato le frontiere nazionali e dell’Europa e, nello stesso tempo, anche i confini imposti dal processo di Bologna alla formazione e alla mobilità si sono scontrati con il fallimento di una strategia che da sempre abbiamo contestato.

Le lotte di questi mesi ci hanno indicato come la possibilità di un cambiamento radicale diventi concreta solo attraverso l’alleanza tra le varie figure lavorative e della formazione, attraverso pratiche comuni e transnazionali agite da chi mette in gioco il proprio corpo e la propria intelligenza. La tensione con cui vorremmo incontrarci è quella di dare significato comune a questo nuovo spazio ridefinito dai conflitti dove la crisi apre nuove possibilità per poter costruire un “altro” futuro. Proprio per questo vogliamo partire da un confronto serrato su progetti comuni da costruire insieme, e vogliamo iniziare a farlo a Roma il 12 e 13 Maggio 2011.


[ Giovedì 12 Maggio ]
ore 16,30 - Facoltà di Filosofia, Villa Mirafiori

Apertura del seminario con
Mouhamed Ali Oueled Itaief
Studente della Scuola di Belle Arti di Tunisi
Youad Ben Rejeb
Université Femministe
Trifi Bassem
Forum des jeunes pour la citoyenneté et la créativité (FJCC)
Mondher Abidi
Union Diplomées Chomeurs
Wissem Sghaier
UGET Union General Etudiant Tunisi
Uncut UK
Maham Hashni
Mark Bergfeld
Education Activist Network
Rita Maestre Fernandez
Juventud sin futuro
Annalisa Cannito
Tatiana Kai- Browne
Plattform Geschichtspolitik ore 19.00
Aperitivo – Global video session #1
Contributi dalle rivolte della formazione – Book Bloc video e foto

[ Venerdi` 13 Maggio ]

ore 10.00 - Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, LaSapienza
Saperi in conflitto dall`Europa al Mediterraneo
ore 15.00 - Facoltà di Lettere, LaSapienza
Formazione, Welfare e Precarietà
ore 17.00 - Facoltà di Lettere, LaSapienza
Lavoro, reddito e democrazia contro la crisi
Parteciperanno il segretario generale Fiom Maurizio Landini e un esponente del Sindacato Generale Tunisino UGTT.ore 20.00 - ESC (via dei Volsci, 159)

Global video session #2

Contributi e interviste dalle rivolte del Maghreb - Mashrek

Diretta streaming:

Ascolta lo spot audio

--[ French version ]--

La révolte d’une génération.
Happening Euro-Méditerranéen sur Formation, Welfare et Nouvelles pratiques politiques


[ Jeudi 12 Mai ]
Heures 16,30 - Faculté de Philosophie, Villa Mirafiori

Séance d’ouverture du séminaire avec
Mouhamed Ali Oueled Itaief
Étudiant de l’École des beaux-arts de  Tunis
Youad Ben Rejeb
Université Féministe
Trifi Bassem
Forum des jeunes pour la citoyenneté et la créativité (FJCC)
Mondher Abidi
Union Diplômes Chômeurs
Wissem Sghaier
UGET Union Générale des Étudiants, Tunis
Uncut U
Maham Hashni
Mark Bergfeld
Education Activist Network
Rita Maestre Fernandez
Juventud sin futuro
Annalisa Cannito
Tatiana Kai- Browne
Plattform Geschichtspolitik
Heures 19.00
Apéritif – Global video session #1
Contributions des révoltes de la formation – Book Bloc Vidéos et Photos

[ Vendredi` 13 Mai ]

Heures 10.00 - Faculté de Sciences Politiques, La Sapienza
Savoirs en conflit de l`Europe à la Méditerranée

Heures 15.00 - Faculté des Lettres, La Sapienza
Formation, Welfare et Précarité
Heures 17.00 - Faculté des Lettres, La Sapienza
Travail, revenu et démocratie contre la crise
Participeront le secrétaire  général de la  Fiom  (métallos) Maurizio Landini et un représentant di Syndicat Général Tunisien UGTT.Heures 20.00 - ESC (via dei Volsci, 159)

Global video session #2

Contributions et interview au sujet des révoltes du Maghreb - Mashrek

En direct streaming:
--[Arab version]--
‎ثورة جيل
‎لقاء عن التكوين و... وممارسات سياسية جديدة
‎(يوم الخاميس ١٢ أيار )
‎الساعة الرابعة ونصف – كلية الفلسفة ، فيلا ميرافيوري
‎افتتاح الندوة مع:
‎محمد علي ولد الطائف – طالب في كلية الفنون جامعة تونس العاصمة
‎إواد بن راجب – الجامعة النسائئة
‎طريفي بسام – منتدى الشباب للمواطنة والإبداع

‎منزر عبيدي – اتحاد البطلة الحاملين بشهادات عليى

‎وسام صغير – اتحاد الطلبة التونسية العامة
Uncut - تيم
Soas مهام حشني –
‎مارك برغفيلد – شبكة النشاط للتعليم
Juventud sin futuro ريتا مايستري فرنانديس –
agMigration Und antirassismusآناليزا كانيطو –
‎الساعة السابعة
Global session 1 وجبة خفيفة وفيديوات
Book bloc  مساهمات من  ثورات التعليم 
‎يوم الجمعة
‎الساعة العاشرة ١٣ أيار ، كلية العلوم السياسية ، لا سابيينزا
‎علوم في تخاصم من أوروبا إلى البحر المتوسط
‎الساعة الثالثة ، كلية الآداب، لا سابيينزا
‎تكوين، رعاية اجتماعية وعدم ثبات العمل
‎الساعة الخانسة، كلية الآداب ، لا سابيينزا
‎عمل، دخل الفرد وديمقراطية ضد الأزمة
‎ماوريزيو لانديني – الأمين العام للفيوم وعضو من النقابة العامة التونسية
‎  شاريع فولشي ١٥٩Esc  الساعة الثانية وعشر

‎  مساهمات ومقابلات من الثورات المغربية والمشرقيةGlobal session 2 فيديوات